Cinangneng Tourism Village is a village that was developed as a Sundanese cultural attraction in Ciampea Bogor, West Java. This village was developed by Hester Basukian, an Indonesian ex-tourguide. Cinangneng Tourism Village offers a themed tour concept of traditional daily life of the Sundanese people in Bogor area called Poelang Kampoeng Travel Program. For those of you who want to know and see firsthand what is look like the rural communities in West Java, Cinangneng Tourism Village could be the right choice.
Here is a brief pictorial story about what you can enjoy in Cinangneng Tourism Village.
Music and singing
The first activity in Poelang Kampoeng in Cinangneng Tourism Village is singing Sundanese traditional songs. We will also playing Angklung - a traditional musical instrument- guided by some officers of the Guest House of Cinangneng Village. In this activity you will know how easily is playing angklung.
Singing and Playing Sundanese Traditional Music |
Walking Around in Cinangneng Village
After singing traditional songs and the national anthem with the angklung, we will be invited to visit the residential areas and farm land of Kampung Cinangneng. There is so many thing we can see in this trip. Among them are paddie fields, community gardens, farming activities and creative industries or households that done by the community. In this activity we can interact directly with the people because the Guest House management has a cooperation agreement in the development and implementation of the tourism program.
Bag Making, Domestic Industry - Cinangneng Tourism Village |
Bamboo Industry - Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Engrang, Household Industry Products Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Rice drying in Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Learning how to Planting Paddy
Planting rice is one of the most exciting events in the Poelang Kampoeng Program in Kampung Cinangneng. In this activity, the tour guide will give us a few clumps of rice seedlings. The thrill of this activity is when we go down directly to the paddy fields and our feet feel the soil, or more precisely we refer to as sludge. Line up, down and walk backwards while plugging the rice seedlings into the mud, this experience will be very interesting for those who used to live in town and have never felt it.
Learning Rice Planting - Tourism Village Cinangneng |
Crossing the River
Kampung Cinangneng Cinangneng fed by a River, Kampung Cinangneng Guest House located not far from this river. According to the story from one of the guides who accompanied us, Cinangneng means, Ci = River, Nang (lanang) = Male, and Neng = Women. In summary, there is a story about men and women in this river. You can ask the guide if you want to know more about the story
After we playing mud in the paddy fields, we can clean ourselves while crossing the Cinangneng River. Guest House Officers has provided a rope that cross over the Cinangneng river to help us. At first glance, it might seems easy to cross the river, but the in reality, it is not easy to do it because Cinangneng river is rocky and fast-flowing river.
River crossing Cinangneng - Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Bathing the Buffalo
As you cross the river Cinangneng, a buffalo will waiting for you at the other side of the river. So, after you clean the body from mud fields, your next job is to clean the buffalo. Buffalo is the most exciting comrade photographed during a visit to the Cinangneng Tourism Village, because where else you can bathe together with buffalo that increasingly rare to find in present time.
Buffalo is actually an icon of agrarian culture of Indonesia, because the buffalo is multifunctional in agricultural activities. But technological advancements has marginalized buffalo from the farming culture of Indonesia.
Memandikan Kerbau - Kampung Wisata Cinangneng |
After bathing water buffalo, or we can say shared bath with buffalo, the sun will be at its peak position in the sky. The food was prepared in the guest house, but of course we have to wash up first. We can use artificial shower behind the guest house, if you want to swim, you can use swimming pool in the courtyard of guest house.
Lunch included in tour packages that you can enjoy in Poelang Kampoeng program in Cinangneng Tourism Village. Meals are served with traditional Sundanese cuisine menu.
Making a Traditional Cake
Finished eating, visitors will be invited to make a Sundanese traditional cakes, eg Bugis Cakes. Rest assured, though it name was bugis cake, this cake is a Sundanese cake. The tour guide will give some explanation about the ingredients, then we make it by our self. Definition of "making it" I mean the mixing of dough that has been provided and put it into a mold. About boiling the cake, let resumed at "teteh-teteh"(women) and "akang-akang"(men) at the guest house. In addition to making a cake, we also will be invited make a traditional drink from ginger. Ginger drink is very common in Bogor area because rain is very often in this area.
While akang-akang and teteh cooking cakes and ginger to boil water, the visitors went on a series of activities.
Make Traditional Beverages - Cinangneng Tourism Village |
Learning Traditional Dance
The next activity is to learn Sundanese arts. The first is learning Sundanese dance, Jaipongan. The tour guide will give female visitors an Arm shawl, while the men will using loan headgear or iket. Accompaniment by traditional music of Sunda, visitors must follow the dance coach Jaipong movement.
Learning Jaipongan dance - Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Painting Caping
The next lesson is about art, the art of painting. But painting in Cinangneng Tourism Village has a unique concept, visitor will be ask for painting a cap that commonly used by farmers. This cap will be distributed to each participant to be painted with paint color provided by the guest house staff. The participants were asked to paint with the theme Cinangneng Bogor, besides messing with creativity, this cap is intended as a memento for the participants when returning to their places. So the hat can be brought back to their homes.
Painting Caping - Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Playing Gamelan
Still about art, latest activities in visiting Cinangneng Tourism Village is playing gamelan. At a gazebo in the guest house back yard, there is gamelan equipment. Each visitor can choose what musical instrument that which they want to play. Once all are in their respective positions, the guest house staff will explain how to play the gamelan all together.
Belajar Main Gamelan - Kampung Wisata Cinangneng |
Making Puppet
Do you know about "wayang golek" or Sundanese puppet show, puppet that you create in Kampung Cinangneng is much more unique. You will make a puppet from cassava leaves, never imagined? These puppets is a traditional toys made by Sundanese children .
Make puppets from Cassava leaf stalk - Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village |
Thus the picture series of Poelang Kampoeng Program offered by the operators in the Cinangneng Traditional Tourism Village Ciampea, Bogor, West Java. The sequence above is not a fixed sequence and can be tailored to the needs of the visitors.
Finally, I hope this article useful. Greetings.
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